Room 5 DOUBLE Room 6 DOUBLE Room 7 DOUBLE Room 1 DOUBLE Room 2 SINGLE. Should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. Room 3 DOUBLE Room 4 DOUBLE Room 8 DOUBLE Room 9 SINGLE. Should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. Room 10 DOUBLE Room 11 DOUBLE Room 12 DOUBLE Room 13 DOUBLE Room 14 SINGLE. Should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. Room 15 DOUBLE Room 16 DOUBLE Room 17 DOUBLE Parking Forecourt car parking for 5 vehicles TRADING and BUSINESS As at 8th August 2023 the rent roll was: Room 1 £190 p.w. Room 2 £125 p.w. Room 3 £180 p.w. Room 4 £190 p.w. Room 5 £190 p.w. Room 6 £190 p.w. Room 7 £190 p.w. Room 8 £190 p.w. Room 9 £185 p.w. Room 10 £130 p.w. Room 11 £190 p.w. Room 12 £190 p.w. Room 13 £190 p.w. Room 14 £150 p.w. Room 15 £130 p.w. Room 16 £160 p.w. Room 17 £190 p.w. TOTAL £2,960 P.W. NB Rooms 2, 9 and 14 should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. LICENCES/PERMISSIONS An HMO Licence is currently held for 20 persons in 14 rooms. Planning consent was granted in May 2022 for 8 self-contained flats. Floor plans available by request. ALL MEASUREMENTS QUOTED ARE APPROX. AND FOR GUIDANCE ONLY. THE FIXTURES, FITTINGS and APPLIANCES HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED AND THEREFORE NO GUARANTEE CAN BE GIVEN THAT THEY ARE IN WORKING ORDER. YOU ARE ADVISED TO CONTACT THE LOCAL AUTHORITY FOR DETAILS OF COUNCIL TAX. PHOTOGRAPHS ARE REPRODUCED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION AND IT CANNOT BE INFERRED THAT ANY ITEM SHOWN IS INCLUDED. These particulars are believed to be correct but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not constitute an offer or form part of any contract. Solicitors are specifically requested to verify the details of our sales particulars in the pre-contract enquiries, in particular the price, local and other searches, in the event of a sale....
Room 5 DOUBLE Room 6 DOUBLE Room 7 DOUBLE Room 1 DOUBLE Room 2 SINGLE. Should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. Room 3 DOUBLE Room 4 DOUBLE Room 8 DOUBLE Room 9 SINGLE. Should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. Room 10 DOUBLE Room 11 DOUBLE Room 12 DOUBLE Room 13 DOUBLE Room 14 SINGLE. Should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. Room 15 DOUBLE Room 16 DOUBLE Room 17 DOUBLE Parking Forecourt car parking for 5 vehicles TRADING and BUSINESS As at 8th August 2023 the rent roll was: Room 1 £190 p.w. Room 2 £125 p.w. Room 3 £180 p.w. Room 4 £190 p.w. Room 5 £190 p.w. Room 6 £190 p.w. Room 7 £190 p.w. Room 8 £190 p.w. Room 9 £185 p.w. Room 10 £130 p.w. Room 11 £190 p.w. Room 12 £190 p.w. Room 13 £190 p.w. Room 14 £150 p.w. Room 15 £130 p.w. Room 16 £160 p.w. Room 17 £190 p.w. TOTAL £2,960 P.W. NB Rooms 2, 9 and 14 should only be let in conjunction with another room or possibly converted to additional kitchens. LICENCES/PERMISSIONS An HMO Licence is currently held for 20 persons in 14 rooms. Planning consent was granted in May 2022 for 8 self-contained flats. Floor plans available by request. ALL MEASUREMENTS QUOTED ARE APPROX. AND FOR GUIDANCE ONLY. THE FIXTURES, FITTINGS and APPLIANCES HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED AND THEREFORE NO GUARANTEE CAN BE GIVEN THAT THEY ARE IN WORKING ORDER. YOU ARE ADVISED TO CONTACT THE LOCAL AUTHORITY FOR DETAILS OF COUNCIL TAX. PHOTOGRAPHS ARE REPRODUCED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION AND IT CANNOT BE INFERRED THAT ANY ITEM SHOWN IS INCLUDED. These particulars are believed to be correct but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not constitute an offer or form part of any contract. Solicitors are specifically requested to verify the details of our sales particulars in the pre-contract enquiries, in particular the price, local and other searches, in the event of a sale.
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