Description .LOCATION The subject property is in the centre of Durham City, New Elvet is one of the main routes through the city and leads to a main campus of Durham University. The property benefits from many transport links only being 2 miles away from A1(M) providing links to the North/South. DESCRIPTION The subject property comprises of brick construction with a pitch slated roof. The property internally provides a ground floor retail space with kitchen and WC to the rear. The property may be suitable for a variety of uses within Use Class E. ACCOMMODATION We calculate the approximate net internal floor areas to be as follows: Ground floor 34.7m² 374ft² RATING ASSESSMENT The rateable value of the premises as at 1 April 2023 is £12,000 and the estimated rates payable for the current year is £5,880 This is based on the uniform business rates multiplier of 49.9p in the pound, however, interested parties should confirm the current position with the Local Authority. EPC RATING E108 TERMS The property is available by way of a new lease with terms to be agreed at £18,500(Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred Pounds) per annum. VAT All rents, premiums and purchase prices quoted herein are exclusive of VAT. All offers are to be made to Bradley Hall upon this basis, and where silent, offers will be deemed net of VAT. Show more...
Description .LOCATION The subject property is in the centre of Durham City, New Elvet is one of the main routes through the city and leads to a main campus of Durham University. The property benefits from many transport links only being 2 miles away from A1(M) providing links to the North/South. DESCRIPTION The subject property comprises of brick construction with a pitch slated roof. The property internally provides a ground floor retail space with kitchen and WC to the rear. The property may be suitable for a variety of uses within Use Class E. ACCOMMODATION We calculate the approximate net internal floor areas to be as follows: Ground floor 34.7m² 374ft² RATING ASSESSMENT The rateable value of the premises as at 1 April 2023 is £12,000 and the estimated rates payable for the current year is £5,880 This is based on the uniform business rates multiplier of 49.9p in the pound, however, interested parties should confirm the current position with the Local Authority. EPC RATING E108 TERMS The property is available by way of a new lease with terms to be agreed at £18,500(Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred Pounds) per annum. VAT All rents, premiums and purchase prices quoted herein are exclusive of VAT. All offers are to be made to Bradley Hall upon this basis, and where silent, offers will be deemed net of VAT. Show more
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